Digital Health:


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At AstraZeneca R&D, the convergence of digital technologies with health is already starting to transform how we develop and deliver life-changing medicines to patients. From creating patient-centric clinical trials today to augmenting patient outcomes with digital health solutions tomorrow, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的长期愿景是重新构想以患者为中心的医疗保健.

The opportunity for digital health to radically improve human health and transform patient outcomes is incredibly exciting. 澳门葡京赌博游戏处于这场医疗保健革命的最前沿, powered by scientific evidence, digital, 纵向多组学健康数据和人工智能.

Cristina Duran     Chief Digital Health Officer R&D, AstraZeneca

We are currently at a tipping point where we have a unique opportunity to increase and embed the use of digital health solutions to help patients achieve better health outcomes and a better healthcare experience.

横跨肿瘤和澳门葡京赌博游戏,其中包括心血管,肾脏 & Metabolism, and Respiratory & Immunology, there remains a huge unmet need in treating people with a range of conditions which are often degenerative, debilitating and life-threatening.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a huge catalyst for change with an increased willingness by patients to use technology as part of their care and treatment regime.

结合硬件和设备的进步和软件能力的改进, new digital technologies are creating opportunities to deliver more for patients than previously thought possible.

Scaling patient-centric trials

临床试验是向患者提供新药的关键部分. 澳门葡京赌博游戏一直在和病人一起努力理解 如何使临床试验对他们来说更容易, 从解决方案到帮助他们找到考验, 能够在家远程参与和提供数据.

In 2021, it is our ambition that 90% of our new studies will have a digital health strategy that is tailored to that trial and we are on track to meet this goal.

To help make this a reality, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在与患者共同创造数字解决方案, 为所有参与者——患者——带来改善, 医疗专业人员和澳门葡京赌博游戏的同事. 

One of these digital solutions is our new clinical study support platform called Unify which is already part of several of our trials around the world. Its benefits include: 

  • Data collection: Meets patients where they are, enabling remote, 通过设备和应用程序实时收集数据, 在一些试验中,减少了门诊就诊的次数, none at all
  • Accessibility: 使患者更容易找到、了解并加入适合他们的临床试验
  • Retention: 让病人参与整个试验

By embracing digital technologies, we are reducing the need for patients to travel to trial sites and increasing the diversity of patients that participate in our trials. Through continual data collection, 澳门葡京赌博游戏也有可能获得新的更快的端点, and in real-time, giving clinicians a better understanding of how a medication impacts the disease and its interaction with an individual’s overall health. Ultimately, this will speed up the time to develop and deliver life-changing medicines for patients.


In order to improve patient health outcomes we know we have to think differently and more holistically. One way we are doing this is by combining our innovative new treatments with evidence-based digital health solutions, including digital biomarkers, 数字诊断和数字治疗.

  • Digital biomarkers are digital tools, such as portables, implantables and wearables which objectively measure and evaluate patients’ biologic and pathologic processes or biologic responses to a therapeutic intervention (biomarkers).
  • Digital diagnostics are software-driven connected technologies which detect or confirm the presence of a disease or condition of interest or identify individuals with a subtype of disease. It is hoped novel biomarkers based on software will help better define patients who will benefit from oncology treatments in multiple indications.
  • Digital therapeutics 健康和技术在哪里结合以增强传统药物. 澳门葡京赌博游戏目前在澳门葡京赌博游戏的治疗领域开发了几种数字治疗方法. For example, we have designed a digital therapeutic for breast cancer that aims to monitor patients symptoms and vital signs and based on algorithms and expert rules, 提醒医生病人的治疗效果如何, 最大限度地提高安全性和效果

随着澳门葡京赌博游戏不断扩大澳门葡京赌博游戏的数字能力, it is crucial that every device and therapeutic developed is backed by rigorous scientific evidence which proves it has a direct impact on improving patient outcomes.


Our ultimate ambition is to reimagine healthcare – harnessing innovation to transform patients’ healthcare journeys to improve earlier diagnosis, 更精确的治疗和主动的数字监测,以获得更好的结果, powered by digital, longitudinal data and AI.

澳门葡京赌博游戏知道,澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是治疗、希望预防、甚至在未来治愈的疾病是复杂的. By harnessing digital health, we have the potential to drive the shift-change in healthcare that is needed to diagnose and detect disease sooner, 管理风险并帮助减缓或潜在预防疾病发作.

For example, for asthma patients, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是能够持续监测症状,并让护理团队和医生了解最新情况, 使用人工智能分析个人数据以识别触发因素, such as an asthma attack, 并预测和预防未来的灾难. Using this approach, we hope to revolutionise how we engage with patients so they can get better control of their condition.

We are also working towards early detection for acute events such as heart attacks with the aim of allowing for quicker intervention ideally before damage is irreversible or the risk of other events increases.

Transforming how we work

Alongside our colleagues in IT, data science and AI, 并通过战略外部合作, 澳门葡京赌博游戏 已经建立了一个连接的基础设施的数字和创新的工具来转型, 精简和优化澳门葡京赌博游戏的内部工作. So far, our teams have built:

  • An insight platform, ‘control tower’, 使用可视化分析来指导决策, giving our leaders and colleagues real-time access to the status of any study at their fingertips and predictive timelines using algorithms.
  • 一个数据和分析工具,优化和自动化的研究设计, 临床试验的计划和管理使澳门葡京赌博游戏的计划多样化, 高效有效的临床研究
  • 全国统一的临床试验管理制度, cloud based, single, digitised and connected platform
  • Machine learning based 临床事件分类的判定 in cardiovascular outcome trials
  • Digital enhancements to our Clinical Supply Chain to speed up trial set up and reduce trial waste
  • 超过100种设备的大目录, which have been assessed as clinically valid with positive patient experiences that support their use in clinical trials and beyond. Our evaluation has also ensured we aren’t using devices that do not deliver the required accuracy or patient experience.

同时加快澳门葡京赌博游戏的产品线, 这些技术使澳门葡京赌博游戏能够提高数据质量, reduce some manual activities by more than 50% while also reducing study costs by more than a fifth.

澳门葡京赌博游戏在R中嵌入的数字能力&D正在创造人与数据之间的无缝连接. 通过采用创新的数字解决方案, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是缩短临床周期时间,提供更好的患者体验.

Phillippa Brown 开发运营副总裁,R&D, AstraZeneca


来认识一下推动数字健康革命、改变临床试验的先驱者吧, augment patient outcomes with ground-breaking digital solutions and reimagine healthcare for the future.


澳门葡京赌博游戏在数字卫生领域的创新与合作方法始于未满足的需求, is patient insights-focused, and science and evidence-driven. We are creating an ecosystem of strategic partnerships – from promising tech start-ups to world-leading academic groups – with 55 already in place, 其中一些可以在下面探讨.




Current Health

Isla Mackenzie

Rob Horne


If you have an idea, 你认为可以帮助病人活得更好、更长寿的发明或创新, we want to hear from you. Please contact us at:

Veeva ID: Z4-51663
Date of preparation: January 2023